You know what? Everyday your e-mail account is credited with at least 100 spam and junk mail. As a result, it is filled with junk mail in your inbox. These junk mail and spam meilaguloi very useful because sometimes you find a lot of difficulties. Therefore, these junk mail and spam can be very put off. Let's assume you know how to stop spam and junk mail in your Gmail, Yahoo or autaluka account.
1. Think before subscribing to anything Do not submit your email address and there is not unless it's really necessary for you.
2. Please note that your email address is not public Facebook, Twitter, or other social site Please note that your email address is not public, but instead keep them private so that everyone can't see it.
3. Please take a slightly different way when writing online e-mail ID Some public forum or email address provided on the site is required. In this case, you can not sit straight with your email address, but you can put a little differently. For example, (xyz [at] gmail [dot] com) In this way you can protect your email from the online-program, which will receive the e-mail ID theft via the Internet.
4. Definitely will not respond to any Spam By clicking on an unsubscribe link if you think you can protect them from spam, but it is wrong thinking. Once you click on the unsubscribe link spammer also warns, however, that the motion is actually your ID. So, the easiest way is not always respond to any Spam.
5. Keep a temporary or alternative e-mail ID does not associated with main ID.
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